Iain Banks talks to the Prague Post

Earlier in the month, to coincide with his appearance at the Prague Writers’ Festival, Iain Banks was interviewed by the Prague Post.

When asked about forthcoming brand new novel Transition‘s placement in the M / non-M spectrum of his work, Iain said:

“The template I had in mind was The Bridge, my third novel, from 1986. I still think very highly of it, and I liked the way its structure let me use different voices and approaches. So, for Transition, I was trying to come up with something as different and challenging. I still think of Transition as basically mainstream, but I guess there’s enough sci-fi in there to justify publishing it as such in a market where my sci-fi has generally done better.”

Visit www.praguepost.com to read the rest of the interview.

Many thanks to Joe G of FPI Blog fame for the heads-up!