Iain Banks interviewed in ASIM #35
The latest issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine includes an interview with Iain [M] Banks which was conducted in January this year.
David from ‘The Banksoniain’ tells us the piece “starts off being about Matter, but goes onto more general things, including the first hints that the next SF book is likely to be a ‘Culture’ one…”
Intriguing stuff. See the ASIM website for more information on ordering a print (AUD$8.95 plus postage) or pdf (AUD$4.95) copy of the latest issue.
Addendum: Simon Petrie of ASIM very kindly sent us a pdf copy of the interview with Iain, so we can confirm that he talks about (among many other things) his addiction to writing science fiction: “The point is, though, that science fiction is the genre that I love